С Днём космонавтики. Greetings from the International Space Station

This post was originally made by E-chan. on Duolingo Russian forum 12.04.2021.

Today is the 60th anniversary of the first human spaceflight. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft completed one orbit around Earth in 108 minutes becoming the first human to journey into outer space.

In Russia and some other countries this day is celebrated as День космонавтики (Cosmonautics Day). In 2011 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed it as the International Day of Human Space Flight (Международный день полёта человека в космос).

Here is a small collection of space-related materials which I hope you will find interesting. First of all, to practice your Russian, here is a short video recorded on the International Space Station and published today, with a script and translation below.
Video on Youtube or Facebook.

– Дорогие друзья! Приветствуем вас с борта Международной космической станции.
– Dear friends! Greetings from the International Space Station.

– Ровно 60 лет назад 12 апреля произошло событие, ставшее поворотным в мировой истории. Космический корабль с человеком на борту покинул Землю, впервые совершив орбитальный полёт. А человек, дерзнувший отправиться в этот полёт, Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, наш соотечественник. В этот день его имя узнала вся планета. Ведь именно тогда началась новая история — история пилотируемых космических полётов.
– Exactly 60 years ago, on April 12, an event took place that became a turning point in world history. A spaceship with a human on board left Earth, making the first orbital flight. And the person who dared to go on that flight, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, is our compatriot. On that day, the whole planet learned his name. Because it was then that a new history began — the history of manned space flights.

– Поехали! (голос Юрия Гагарина)
– Let's roll! (Yuri Gagarin’s voice)

– Нашие учёные-конструкторы продемонстрировали тогда неоспоримое превосходство отечественных технологий и сделали нас первой космической державой. А легендарные 108 минут полёта Гагарина стали примером героизма для его последователей, для нас в том числе.
– At that time, our design scientists demonstrated the indisputable superiority of domestic technologies and made us the first space power. And the legendary 108 minutes of Gagarin's flight became an example of heroism for his followers, including us.

– Друзья, в этот день мы хотим поздравить всех с этим праздником и юбилеем. Мы говорим спасибо всем, кто посвятил свою жизнь изучению вселенной. Мы благодарим всех, кто работал и продолжает работать, продвигая человечество дальше и дальше в изучении космоса.
– Friends, on this day we want to congratulate everyone on this celebration and anniversary. We say thank you to everyone who has dedicated their lives to exploring the universe. We thank everyone who has worked and continues to work, advancing humanity further and further in the study of space.

– Ещё раз с праздником. С Днём космонавтики. Космонавты Роскосмоса, Сергей Рыжиков.
– Once again, congratulations. Happy Cosmonautics Day. Roscosmos cosmonauts, Sergey Ryzhikov.

– Сергей Кудь-Сверчков.
– Sergey Kud-Sverchkov.

– Олег Новицкий.
– Oleg Novitskiy.

– И Пётр Дубров.
– And Pyotr Dubrov.

– С праздником!
– Congratulations!

Roscosmos on Facebook and Instagram.
From the Roscosmos website: photo galleries, video galleries, live videos.

From the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center website: virtual tours, photo galleries.

Museum of Cosmonautics (try the virtual tour).

Роскосмос ТВ: Some videos in English or with English subs: here, here and here.
In Russian: here and here.

Год на орбите. A Year in Space. A documentary series in Russian with English subs.
A series of short videos made on the ISS (with English subs).

“Salyut 7” is a feature film based on real events. With English and Russian subs. More on wikipedia.

And finally a song. Трава у дома (Grass by the Home) by «Земляне» – the “official anthem of Russian cosmonauts”.
